Sweet Jesus on a popsicle stick! Could there have been any more east coast bias than there was on today's show?
Let's take it point by Eastern Standard Time-zone point, shall we?
POINT #1: Tony's inability to give the Seahawks any Dap at all. So what, so they've got the best record in the NFC, so they've manhandled just about everyone they've played in the last 9 weeks. I guess you can throw all that shit out the window because the 49ers ALMOST tied them last week! Even your BOY Ron Jaworski tried to convince you otherwise, but you couldn't possibly afford the same luxury you apparently gave the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (who got CREAMED by the 49ers two weeks ago).
POINT #2: The answer to the question, "Did Reggie Bush lock up the heisman after amassing more than 500 yards of offense last week?". Not Really because hardly anyone saw it? What kind of bullshit response is that? I'm guessing that philosophy classes on the east coast involve statements like, "If a tree falls in Los Angeles California and 8 million people hear it, and another 40 million people in the same time zone hear it too, does it make a difference since it's 2AM where WE live and hanging on to the outdated non-information age thinking that we're clinging on to is all we have in the whole world. Does it then make a sound?"
POINT #3: Wilbon sticking his head all the way up Vince Young's ass saying that the Houston Texans, 49ers, Packers or whoever have the #1 pick should take him instead of Reggie Bush just proves that he should never, ever, EVER be made GM of an NFL team. I'd love to hear his speech on draft day. "I know I just drafted Carr with the #1 pick two years ago and that the only reason he's not producing is because he's always on his back from getting sacked because our offensive line sucks, but I'm gonna take another quarterback. You know, someone in the Tommy Frazier mode, because, like Andre Ware, they always make good pros.".
POINT #4: As if they recognized their awful bias, they felt the need to point out the horrible injustice that University of Oregon is suffering by being ranked behind Notre Dame. Unfortunately, they did it with an air of, "Ehh... What're you gonna do?".
POINT #5: Not really related to bias, but what the fuck was Wilbon talking about when he decreed J.R. Ewing and the dopes from 'Dallas' as "the greatest prime time drama of all time". Look Wilbon, I know you're not really black, but do you have to rub our noses in it like we're a puppy that just shit on your birthday cake?
Thanks a lot Mike and Tony. Thanks for reminding me living in the largest state in the country, a state with a GNP larger than most sovereign nations, means absolutely nothing when all the sports media is huddled around the tri-state area like homeless people around a burning trash can.