Friday, April 01, 2005

Worthy of A Married Couple...

There was a great exchange between TK and Wilbon on yesterday's show. Wilbon was going on and on about his precious 'Baby Bulls' (probably my new least favorite nickname in sports, replacing the New York Mets completely ill-fitting 'The Amazin's') and used the statistic of Opponent's Field Goal Percentage to show their league dominance. Tony of course instantly made fun of this, asking Wilbon if they also lead the league in Shoe Size.

But Wilbon, never one to back down from a fight, informed Tony that if 'Larry Brown had said it, you'd think it was the most important stat ever'. Touche, bitch.

This is why Tony will never win an argument against someone who knows him that well. He's got too many man-crushes and people he's raised to god-like levels. Arguing about women? Just throw out Tonya Harding. College sports? Ask him how SUNY-Binghamton did last year. Baseball? Play the video of A-Rod girlie-slapping the ball out of Bronson Arroyo's hand.

These are all just tips for the one day we'll all have to argue with Kornheiser about something. Leave your Mortal Kombat fatality moves for either TK or Wilbon in the comments.


At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for wilbon, when discussing quarterbacks. "You ran Brad Johnson out of town!" I actually doubt that's true but, it seems to irritate Wilbon and throw him off his game.

For Tony, just bring up Steve Spurrier's stint with the Redskins.


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